happy (early) holidays!
December 22nd, 2024
i've been putting off a lot of stuff i've wanted to do this month. during late november i bought a sewing machine since i've been wanting to learn how to sew my own cosplays for a while, but i've barely actually done anything with it yet. around the same time i added another SSD to my main pc. i'm mainly planning to use it to install linux (which i've been dabbling in but i still use windows a lot more frequently). however, i have yet to actually do that too.
preparing for college has been taking a good bit of my time. it's honestly been going well but part of my brain does not feel ready for it in the slightest. earlier this month i was worried i was starting to fall back into a depressive slump. thankfully at the very least it isn't as bad as it was this summer. my sleep schedule has still been slightly fucked since i keep waking up too early (4-6) and then sleeping in slightly too late (8-10). it isn't horrible while i'm still a neet but i'm worried if i don't get it together by the time i start classes it'll be a problem, mainly because i have early classes 4 days a week. it was barely my own choice with the options i had but considering my abysmal sleep schedules from earlier this year things could've been much worse.
i think the hardest thing that i need to come to terms with is the fact that i need to become more independent very soon. i'm already used to being alone in my own house but there's barely anything i can really do for myself as an adult. at least i still have several more months before i (hopefully) live on campus.
aside from all of that i've been spending more time indulging in my other hobbies. i also want to start working on this site more frequently while i can but i'm still pretty uninspired. i've mostly just been coming up with new layouts but i haven't been figuring out how to decorate them, and most of them have ended up scrapped or on hold for now.
dunno if i want to write anything for when the holidays really come, but in the meantime have a good one!